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New Homepage design + Coming attractions

04/05/2009, 11:23pm CDT
By Nicholas Kartos

Hope you like what is the start of a new homepage layout.  We're trying to make it a great jumping off place so that you can get to many of your favorite features of quicker.  Please let us know what other things you would like to see on the home page of the site.

Also, the new home page represents a "soft launch" of WSN Cash-In.  For those that have noticed the "WisCash" thing on the message board we apologize for the delay in getting things going.  With the end of the winter sports season and the start of the spring it was probably not a good idea to think that we could launch that thing off of the ground. 

So start earing WisCash and look for announcement about new store items and future raffle items.  We are in talks with a lot of potential sponsors and should have a lot of cool things on there throughout the year. 

Also, welcome to my new column/blog thingy.  It will be a mixture of WSN announcements & coming attractions and commentary and opinions on a number of different subjects, mostly revolving around high school sports.  Those that know me well know the name is fitting since I end up doing a lot of work after dark.

It will be one of four featured columns that launch from the home domain.  The others will be written by Dennis Semrau, Todd Sommerfeldt and our very own Rick Hamilton.  We hope you enjoy them.

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