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WSN's Marlin Lee could use your help

08/13/2012, 2:28pm CDT

Many of our readers know Marlin Lee III, who was our lead football writer for a number of years, helping to get hundreds of high school football players exposure and recognition with his feature and recruiting articles.

Unfortunately, as many people also know, Marlin discovered a mass in his chest in November of 2010, which was diagnosed as Ewing's Sarcoma, a type of bone and soft-tissue cancer. In addition to the tumor in his chest the cancer has spread to his hips and left shoulder. He underwent aggressive chemotherapy treatments to help fight this terrible disease, and for a time seemed to have it licked.

Earlier this year the cancer spread to other areas including his skull, and he has resumed treatments. However, his local hospital has indicated they have done all they can, meaning Marlin needs to get special treatments out of state.

He is a graduate of Lancaster high school and the University of Houston. He is married to Hiedee and they have four children: Zoe (9), Zackary (6), Eva (5) and Marlin IV (2).

Marlin just recently graduated from college and is the sole provider for his family. As you can imagine, the medical bills associated with fighting cancer, especially now that he may be traveling for treatment, can build up in a hurry.

To make a monetary donation to Marlin and his family, please click here.

Below is a letter from Marlin's mother-in-law Beth Moffit:

Hello All,

First thing I need to ask is would you please take time and pray for Marlin Lee and his family? Marlin is fighting for his life and he needs your help! He is battling Ewings Sarcoma and has been for 20 months. Ewings sarcoma is a rare bone and/or soft tissue cancer that primarily attacks teenagers and young adults. Marlin is in his 20’s with a wife and four children. Hiedee, his wife has been by his side doing what ever it takes to make sure Marlin is being cared for. With this cancer there is no set regimen chemo and everybody responds differently. There is not a set protocol in place that will cure it.

Yes, there are survivors and we want Marlin to be among them. MD Anderson has tried every traditional chemo drug as well as radiation to try to kill the cancer inside Marlin. The doctors are wanting to send Marlin to Cincinnati for a clinical trial this week to see if they can gain some kind of control over the Ewing sarcoma in Marlin’s body. If you could help with anything to go towards their trip, they can use your help. They need airfare, hotel since Marlin is too old (26 years old) for the Ronald McDonald house, and possible money or gift cards for their expenses.

If you can spare airfare points, hotel points, money, gift cards or anything, please help. Even your $10 combined with others can make a huge difference towards the 25k total they will need for 8 treatments since the insurance company does not cover the "Standard of Care" in a clinical trial!  

To send via paypal:

If you wish you can email Hiedee at:

If you wish to visit Marlin’s support page it is 

To learn about Ewing sarcoma visit:

Thank you in advance for any prayers or help for Marlin and his family in his journey to fight Ewings.

God Bless you!


To make a monetary donation to Marlin and his family, please click here.

Keep fighting Marlin, and know that you have the community rooting for you!

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