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Do you think the private school Multiplier will pass? Vote here

04/15/2014, 9:00am CDT
By Travis Wilson

At tomorrow's WIAA Annual Meeting in Stevens Point, the member schools will conduct a historice vote on a proposal that would apply a 1.65 Multiplier to the enrollment of all private, religious, and indepenent schools for divisional classification.

The proposal has generated significant debate since announced last month, with tomorrow's meeting likely to be contentious, just as much of the debate to this point has been.

This poll isn't asking your opinions on the merits of the proposal, but rather what you think WILL happen at tomorrow's vote. There is a perhaps increasing chance the vote gets tabled, but for right now we'll work on the assumption that the vote will be conducted. Remember that a simple majority of schools in attendance that vote is required to pass the amendment.


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